Natural Resources
Farmland Investment Thesis
Worldwide Demand and Supply Potential Imbalance
- UN estimates food production will increase 70% by 2050; Food for Fuel also driving demand
- New supply of productive land is not keeping pace;
- Currently 70% of freshwater already used for Agriculture
- Farm productivity gains have slowed to 1.3% per year; half of productivity gains 30 years ago
Attractive Yield Characteristics and Negative Correlation with Debt and Equity
- 4-8% current cash yields and historical IRR of 11% (1970-2009)
- Negative correlation with US Equities (-0.17 with S&P 500), T-Bills (-0.24), and Corp Bonds (-0.45)
Numerous Opportunities to Evaluate, Requiring the Right Management Team
- Three Strategies: Land Rental: 4-7% IRR, Currently Producing Land: 7-10% IRR, Converting Non-Producing Land: 15-25% IRR
- Farm Location: domestic vs. international, and specific country characteristics
- Type of Crop: tow croplands vs. permanent croplands
- Hedging crop price, improving farm practices, and ‘Network Organizations’ can improve yields
- Water scarcity play of only focusing on those pieces of land with the best access to water
If you’d like to learn more about our Farmland Thesis, please contact us at
Timber Investment Thesis
Timber Is An Attractive Long Term Real Growth Asset Class
- Timber grows in real value about 7-8% per year; Trees grow ~6% annually and grade changes increase value 1-2%
- Domestic Timber Supply constant since 1900 – ~750M acres of forestland, 50% is managed
- Domestic demand is down due to US housing market; Lumber accounts for ~40% of timber
Attractive Yield Characteristics and Negative Correlation with Debt and Equity
- Long term yields are very attractive: 12% + over last 40 years, 14% over last 30 years
- 7-8% Annual Real Growth; Annual cash yield requires tract portfolio management, as trees typically harvested every 15-25 years
- Negative correlation with US Equities (-0.17 with S&P 500), International Equities (-0.14), and Corporate Bonds (-0.32)
Numerous Approaches to Timber Investment
- Significant regional differences in inventory and property management; International opportunities are significant
- Better Use Strategies Exist: renewable energy opportunities, real estate development, land use strategies
If you’d like to learn more about our Timber Thesis, please contact us at